Raw Rant

Smackdown Review

Jakked/Metal Review

Heat Review


PPV Predictions

My Ranting

Well good ol'' HBK finally returned. Was I the only one who was more than just a little disappointed? I mean it was wonderful, and he served his purpose, but
it's like his usual spark was missing. But hey, I'm glad that he was even there. No longer the commish hey? Enter Mick Foley. I figure that something will happen at Judgment Day to usher this in. Word around town is
that the Iron man match will have a Survivor Series 97 ending, if so I say that Foley will step in as the new commish and right the wrong. They'll probably declare HHH the winner, then have Foley's music hit. I heard
that Shawn will be taking over Linda McMahon's job, and basically if they need someone to even out the sides for the good guy, in steps HBK. Give me an Amen to no more Linda on TV!

Is it just me or are the Hardyz being under used lately? They have no real angle going on, and their matches are like 2 minutes long. For god sakes, they jobbed to Too Cool! If the boys ever decide to work on
their mic skills, they're going to be HUGE. They have every aspect to make it big, other than the mic skills. Luckily 99% of the time, they're talent speaks for them. Their only other disadvantage is size, but hey they're the same height as HBK, and they just need to beef up slightly to be the same weight. Don't worry, I'm going to spare you the "Jeff Hardy is the next HBK" speech. Let's face it, every blonde with the slightest amount of wrestling skills is called the next HBK these days.

I'm sorry, but I can never get sick of Edge and Christian's new gimmick. They get funnier every week! Christian was a little shaky at first, but now that he's gettingb more comfortable he's great! Or should I say "rully" great? You can tell that they are having a bawl out there, and that's always a good thing, because it shows. I think they need new music though. The whole "You think you know me" thing is more suited to their old mysterious personas. I'm not quite sure what kind of feel it should have to it though.

I'm beginning to wonder more and more every day if Tori is really a man.

Enough with the Hardcore situation. They tramped all over the potential the 24/7 thing had and then spit on it. A Ho winning the belt? Come on. Of course it could always be worse, it could be the World Title, and they could allow a mediocre actor to win it. Not
hard to tell where my loyalties lie huh? *cough* WCW bites...*cough*.

That's right, yet another anti WCW person. I'm sorry, I honestly have tried to give them a chance, mainly because of my loyalties to Bret Hart, but they bored the hell out of me, and continue to do that to this day. I honestly gave them a fair chance to impress me, but they failed. Why the hell would I want to watch half-assed rip off's of previous WWF storylines, when I can get the real things? Sorry all you WCW die-hards, but your "Vince Russo came up with those ideas" excuse, doesn't work in my book. Let's all listen nice and good now...what I'm about to say might actually make sense...if Vince Russo was the creative genius and
savior of the WCW as everyone claims, he could come up with some new, unique storylines. He has a whole new crew of wrestlers to work with. He should be able to work that to his advantage.

Well I am outta here boys and girls, sleep awaits. So I'll get down off of my soapbox and put it away until next week.

Until then, that's my story and I'm stickin'
to it,
